Source string

  • Column aggregation functions may be enabled independently of group aggregation functions. Every group aggregation function, except Filter rows (by regexp), requires exactly one field to be assigned the Group and compress function. With that done, select any of the other aggregation functions for some or all of the fields. Functions marked with an asterisk take an optional parameter. For the aggregation functions Enumerate, Range and Tally the optional parameter is a delimiter to separate items.
    You may combine multiple fields into the same render column. If you do, the separator specified will be used to separate the fields. You can control column order and field labels in the Fields section of the main configuration page. For the column aggregation function Math expression you may use the tokens from that same page as documented in the "Replacement patterns" in the section "Rewrite the output of this field".

Used at the following places

  • views_aggregator: 1.x-1.0.5 (1)