Source string

  • Visitors will only see the maintenance mode message. Only users with the "Access site in maintenance mode" permission will be able to access the site. Authorized users can log in directly via the user login page.

Used at the following places

  • backdrop: 1.25.1 (1), 1.26.0 (1), 1.26.3 (1), 1.26.2 (1), 1.27.0 (1), 1.27.1 (1), 1.27.2 (1), 1.28.0 (1), 1.28.1 (1), 1.27.3 (1), 1.28.2 (1), 1.28.3 (1), 1.29.0 (1), 1.29.1 (1), 1.28.4 (1), 1.29.2 (1)