Source string

  • This option makes Backdrop use HTTPS protocol for generated canonical URLs. Please note: to get it working in mixed-mode (both secure and insecure) sessions, the variable https should be set to TRUE in your file settings.php

Used at the following places

  • backdrop: 1.25.1 (1), 1.26.0 (1), 1.26.3 (1), 1.26.2 (1), 1.27.0 (1), 1.27.1 (1), 1.27.2 (1), 1.28.0 (1), 1.28.1 (1), 1.27.3 (1), 1.28.2 (1), 1.28.3 (1), 1.29.0 (1), 1.29.1 (1), 1.28.4 (1), 1.29.2 (1)