Informació de versió bàsica

VersióBaixaData d'arxiuDarrera anàlisiFitxersCadenesAvisos
l10n_server 1.x-1.0.6l10n_server-1.x-1.0.6.tar.gzdt., 29/08/2023 - 10:43 hdj., 19/09/2024 - 16:40 h4454234

Avisos de codi font identificats

Alguns d'aquests avisos poden indicar incidències sobre com s'han usat certes APIs, mentre que altres són falsos positius o usos legítims de les APIs en una forma no estàndard.

Valor de l'avís
The first two watchdog() parameters should be literal strings. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or even a t() call there.
The first two watchdog() parameters should be literal strings. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or even a t() call there.
The first parameter to t() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.
The first parameter to t() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.
The first two watchdog() parameters should be literal strings. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or even a t() call there.
The first two watchdog() parameters should be literal strings. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or even a t() call there.
The first two watchdog() parameters should be literal strings. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or even a t() call there.
The first two watchdog() parameters should be literal strings. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or even a t() call there.
The first two watchdog() parameters should be literal strings. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or even a t() call there.
The first two watchdog() parameters should be literal strings. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or even a t() call there.
The first parameter to t() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.
The first parameter to t() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.
The first two watchdog() parameters should be literal strings. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or even a t() call there.
The first parameter to t() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.
The first parameter to t() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.
The first parameter to t() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.
The first parameter to t() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.
The first parameter to t() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.
The first parameter to t() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.
The first parameter to t() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.
The first parameter to t() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.
The first parameter to t() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.
The first parameter to t() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.
The first parameter to t() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.
The first parameter to t() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.
The first parameter to t() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.
The first parameter to t() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.
The first parameter to t() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.
The first parameter to t() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.
The first parameter to t() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.
The first parameter to t() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.
In format_plural(), the singular and plural strings should be literal strings. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or even a t() call there.
The first parameter to t() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.
The first parameter to t() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.

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